Location-Based Routing
Location-Based Routing restricts toll bypass for a Teams user based on their configured policy and geographic location when connecting to the PSTN network. Location-Based Routing is applied to the configured network region topology, site, and subnet. When toll bypass is restricted for a specific location, you associate an IP subnet and PSTN gateway for this location to a network site. When the Teams user policy is enabled for Location-Based Routing, a call takes place between the user and the PSTN network and the user is located at a site where Location-Based Routing restrictions are applied, then toll bypass is restricted for this user.
A user’s location is determined by the IP subnet of the connected Teams endpoints. If a user has multiple Teams clients located at different sites, Location-Based Routing enforces each client’s routing separately, depending on the location of the Teams endpoints:
The Teams user must be enabled for Location-Based Routing in the user's Teams Calling policy. |
The Teams user’s endpoint network site location must be enabled for Location-Based Routing. |
The PSTN gateway passing the call must be enabled for Location-Based Routing. |
For transfer scenarios, the route of the PSTN call is based on the routing settings of the person transferring the call, and on the Location-Based Routing settings of the Teams user to whom the call is being transferred.
For conferencing and group call scenarios, whether a Teams user for whom toll bypass is restricted is or has been part of the call.
For outbound PSTN calls, the message appears in the call window: Call not allowed due to your organization’s settings.
For inbound PSTN calls, the call is routed based on the called Teams user’s unanswered call forwarding settings, typically to voicemail. If the Teams user doesn’t have unanswered call settings configured, the call disconnects.
This feature is relevant for Hosted Pro and OC Pro licenses. |
You must enable Location-based routing scripts for implementing this feature (see M365 Template Scenarios). |
The script executes the same commands from Default M365 Tenant Onboarding Script and in addition executes the following actions:
Adds a region (if not already preconfigured in the DNS subdomain). |
Enables Location-based routing for the region |
Adds a network site either using preconfigured networking parameters or custom variables configured in the Onboarding wizard (as described above). |
Adds Online PSTN Gateway |
Configures PSTN gateway including SIP Signaling port, Max Concurrent sessions, ForwardCallHistory, ForwardPai |
Enables Location-based routing on the PSTN Gateway |
Creates Teams Calling policy with UMPPreventTollBypass feature enabled (Allow Teams calling, preventing toll bypass). |